Friday, October 26, 2012


HukUm CoUplE MeNuRut iSlAm HALAL@HaRAM?????

 BERCOUPLE, setiap kali kita mendengarnya akan terlintas di benak kita sepasang insan yang sedang mabuk cinta dan dilanda asmara. Saling mengungkapkan rasa sayang serta rindu, yang kemudiannya memasuki sebuah biduk pernikahan.Lalu kenapa harus dipermasalahkan? Bukankah cinta itu fitrah setiap anak adam?Bukankah setiap orang memerlukan masa penyesuaian sebelum pernikahan?
CINTA, Fitrah Setiap Manusia,MANUSIA diciptakan oleh ALLAH SWT dengan membawa fitrah (insting) untuk mencintai lawan jenisnya. Sebagaimana firman-NYA; Dijadikan indah pada (pandangan) manusia kecintaan kepada apa-apa yang diingini, iaitu wanita-wanita, anak-anak, harta yang banyak dari jenis emas, perak, kuda pilihan, binatang-binatang ternak dan sawah ladang. Itulah kesenangan hidup didunia, dan di sisi ALLAH lah tempat kembali yang baik(Syurga). (Ali Imran: 14).
  • Dari Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash r.a. berkata;Rasulullah SAW bersabda; Dunia ini adalah perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan adalah wanita yang solehah. (Hadis Riwayat Muslim,NasaI, Ibnu Majah, Ahmad, Baihaqi)
  • ALLAH berfirman; Di dalam syurga-syurga itu ada bidadari-bidadari yang baik-baik lagi cantik-cantik. (ar-Rahman: 70)
  • Namun, Islam tidak membiarkan fitnah itu mengembara tanpa batasannya. Islam telah mengatur dengan tegas bagaimana menyalurkan cinta, juga bagaimana batasan pergaulan antara dua insan berlawanan jenis sebelum nikah, agar semuanya tetap berada pada landasan etika dan norma yang sesuai dengan syariat.
1.Menundukkan pandangan:ALLAH memerintahkan kaum lelaki untukmenundukkan pandangannya, sebagaimana firman-NYA;
Katakanlah kepada laki-laki yangberiman: Hendaklah mereka menahanpandangannya dan memelihara kemaluannya.(an-Nuur: 30)Sebagaimana hal ini juga diperintahkankepadakaum wanita beriman, ALLAH berfirman; Dan katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman: Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya dan memelihara kemaluannya.(an-Nuur: 31)
2.Menutup Aurat;ALLAH berfirman dan jangan lah mereka mennampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali yang biasa nampak daripadanya. Dan hendaklah mereka melabuhkan kain tudung ke dadanya.(an-Nuur: 31)Juga Firman-NYA; Hai nabi, katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuan mudan isteri-isteri orang mukmin: Hendaklah mereka melabuhkan jilbabnya ke seluruh tubuhmereka.Yang demikian itu supaya mereka lebih mudah dikenali, kerana itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan ALLAH adalah Maha Pengampun lagi MahaPenyayang. (an-Nuur: 59).Perintah menutup aurat juga berlaku bagi semua jenis. Dari Abu Daud Said al-Khudri r.a.berkata:Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Janganlah seseorang lelaki memandang aurat lelaki, begitu juga dengan wanita jangan melihat aurat wanita.
3.Adanya pembatas antara lelakidengan wanita;Kalau ada sebuah keperluan terhadap kaum yang berbeza jenis, harus disampaikan dari balik tabir pembatas.Sebagaimana firman-NYA; Dan apabila kalian meminta sesuatu kepada mereka (para wanita)maka mintalah dari balik hijab.(al-Ahzaab: 53)
4.Tidak berdua-duaan Di Antara LelakiDan Perempuan; Dari Ibnu Abbas r.a. berkata: Saya mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Janganlah seorang lelaki berdua-duaan (khalwat) dengan wanita kecuali bersama mahramnya. (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari & Muslim)Dari Jabir bin Samurah berkata;Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Janganlah salah seorang dari kalian berdua-duan dengan seorang wanita, kerana syaitan akan menjadi ketiganya. (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad & Tirmidzi dengan sanad yang sahih)
5.Tidak Melunakkan Ucapan(Percakapan): Seorang wanita dilarang melunakkan ucapannyaketika berbicara selain kepada suaminya.Firman ALLAH SWT; Hai isteri-isteri Nabi, kamu sekalian tidaklah seperti wanita yang lain, jika kamu bertakwa. Maka janganlah kamu tunduk dalam berbicara (berkata-kata yang menggoda)sehingga berkeinginan orang yang ada penyakit didalam hatinya tetapi ucapkanlah perkataan-perkataan yang baik. (al-Ahzaab: 32)Berkata Imam Ibnu Kathir; Ini adalah beberapa etika yang diperintahkan oleh ALLAH kepada para isteri Rasulullah SAW serta kepada parawani tamukminah lainnya, iaitu hendaklah dia kalau berbicara dengan orang lain tanpa suara merdu,dalam pengertian janganlah seorang wanita berbicara dengan orang lain sebagaimana dia berbicara dengan suaminya. (Tafsir Ibnu Kathir3/350)
6.Tidak Menyentuh Kaum BerlawananJenis;Dari Maqil bin Yasar r.a. berkata;Seandainya kepala seseorang ditusuk dengan jarum besi itu masih lebih baik daripada menyentuh kaumwanitayang tidak halal baginnya. (Hadis Hasan Riwayat Thabrani dalam Mujam Kabir)Berkata Syaikh al-Abani Rahimahullah; Dalam hadis ini terdapat ancaman keras terhadap orang-orang yang menyentuh wanita yang tidak halal baginya. (Ash-Shohihah 1/448) Rasulullah SAW tidak pernah menyentuh wanita meskipun dalam saat-saat penting seperti membaiat dan lain-lainnya. Dari Aishah berkata; Demi ALLAH,tangan Rasulullah tidak pernah menyentuh tangan wanita sama sekali meskipun saat membaiat.(Hadis Riwayat Bukhari)

Inilah sebahagian etika pergaulan lelak idan wanita selain mahram, yang mana apabila seseorang melanggar semuanya atau sebahagiannya sajaakan menjadi dosa zina baginya, sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah SAW; Dari Abu Hurairahr.a. dari Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Sesungguhnya ALLAH menetapkan untuk anak adam bahagian nyadari zina, yang pasti akan mengenainya.Zina mata dengan memandang, zina lisan dengan berbicara,sedangkan jiwa berkeinginan serta berangan-angan, lalu farji yang akan membenarkan atau mendustakan semuanya. (Hadis RiwayatBukhari,Muslim & Abu Daud)Padahal ALLAH SWT telah melarang perbuatanzina dan segala sesuatu yang boleh mendekati kepada perbuatan zina. Sebagaimana Firman-NYA; Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina,sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji dan jalan yang buruk.(al-Isra: 32)

SETELAH memerhatikan ayat dan hadis tadi, maka tidak diragukan lagi bahawabercouple itu haram,kerana beberapa sebab berikut:
1.Orang yang bercouple tidak mungkin menundukkan pandangannya terhadap kekasihnya.
2.Orang yang bercouple tidak akan boleh menjaga hijab.
3.Orang yang bercouple biasanya sering berdua-duaan dengan pasangan kekasihnya, baik di dalam rumah atau diluar rumah.
4.Wanita akan bersikap manja danmendayukan suaranya saat bersama kekasihnya.
5.Bercouple identik dengan saling menyentuh antara lelaki dan wanita,meskipun itu hanya berjabat tangan.
6.Orang yang bercouple, boleh dipastikan selalu membayangkan orang yang dicintainya.

Dalam kamus bercouple, hal-hal tersebut adalah lumrah dilakukan, padahal satu hal saja cukup untuk mengharamkannya, lalu apatah lagi kesemuanya atau yang lain-lainnya lagi?

Fatwa Ulama
  • Syaikh Muhammad bin Shaleh al-Utsaimin ditanya tentang hubungan cinta sebelum nikah.Jawab beliau; Jika hubungan itu sebelum nikah,baik sudah lamaran atau belum, maka hukumnya adalah haram, kerana tidak boleh seseorang untuk bersenang-senang dengan wanita asing (bukan mahramnya) baik melalui ucapan, memandang,atau berdua-duaan. Sebagaimana Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Janganlah seorang lelaki bedua-duaan dengan seorang wanita kecuali ada bersama-sama mahramnya, dan janganlah seseorang wanita berpergian kecuali bersama mahramnya.
  • Syaikh Abdullah bin abdur Rahman al-Jibrindi tanya; Jika ada seseorang lelaki yang berkoresponden dengan seorang wanita yang bukan mahramnya, yang pada akhirnya mereka saling mencintai, apakah perbuatan itu haram?Jawab beliau; Perbuatan itu tidak diperbolehkan,kerana boleh menimbulkan syahwat di antara keduanya, serta mendorongnya untuk bertemu dan berhubungan, yang mana koresponden semacam itu banyak menimbulkan fitnah dan menanamkan dalam hati seseorang untuk mencintai penzinaan yang akan menjerumuskan seseorang pada perbuatan yang keji, maka dinasihati kepada setiap orang yang menginginkan kebaikan bagi dirinya untuk menghindari surat-suratan, pembicaraan melalui telefon, serta perbuatan semacamnya demi menjaga agama dan kehormatan dirinya.
  • Syaikh Jibrin juga ditanya; Apa hukumnya kalau ada seorang pemuda yang belum menikah menelefon gadis yang juga belum menikah?Jawab beliau; Tidak boleh berbicara dengan wanita asing (bukan mahram) dengan pembicaraan yang boleh menimbulkan syahwat,seperti rayuan, atau mendayukan suara (baik melalui telefon atau lainnya).
  • Sebagaimana firman ALLAH SWT; Dan janganlah kalian melembutkan suara, sehingga berkeinginan orang-orang yang berpenyakit di dalam hatinya.(al-Ahzaab: 32). Adapun kalau pembicaraan itu untuk sebuah keperluan, maka hal itu tidak mengapa apabila selamat daripada fitnah, akan tetapi hanya sekadar keperluan.

Syubhat Dan Jawapan Yang Sebenarnya
  • Keharaman bercouple lebih jelas dari matahari disiang hari. Namun begitu masih ada yang berusaha menolaknya walaupun dengan dalil yang sangat rapuh, antaranya:
Tidak Boleh dikatakan semua cara bercouple itu haram, kerana mungkin ada orang yang bercouple mengikut landasan Islam, tanpa melanggar syariat
  • Jawabnya: Istilah bercouple berlandaskan Islam itu cuma ada dalam khayalan, dan tidak pernah ada wujudnyaAnggap sajalah mereka boleh menghindari khalwat, menyentuh serta menutup aurat. Tetapi tetap tidak akan boleh menghindari dari saling memandang, atau saling membayangkan kekasihnya dari masa ke semasa.Yang mana hal itu jelas haram berdasarkan dalil yang kukuh.

 BIASANYA SEBELUM MASUK ALAM PERKAHWINAN,perlu untuk mengenal terlebih dahulu calon pasangan hidupnya, fizikal, karaktor,yang mana hal itu tidak akan boleh dilakukan tanpa bercouple,kerana bagaimanapun juga kegagalan sebelum menikah akan jauh lebih ringan daripada kalau terjadi setelah menikah.
Jawabnya: Memang, mengenal fizikal dan karaktor calon isteri mahupun suami merupakan satu hal yang diperlukan sebelum memasuki alam pernikahan, agar tidak ada penyesalan dikemudian hari. Namun, tujuan ini tidak boleh digunakan untuk menghalalkan sesuatu yang telah sedia haramnya.
Ditambah lagi, bahawa orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan berusaha bertanyakan segala yang baik dengan menutupi kekurangannya di hadapan kekasihnya. Juga orang yang sedang jatuh cinta akan menjadi buta dan tuli terhadap perbuatan kekasihnya, sehingga akan melihat semua yang dilakukannya adalah kebaikan tanpa cacat.Sebagaimana diriwayatkan dari Abu Darda; Cintamu pada sesuatu membuatmu buta dan tuli.
Fenomena Couple
Dalam situasi terkini, fenomena pergaulan bebas dan pengabaian terhadap nilai-nilai murni Islam berlaku pada tahap yang amat membimbangkan.Kebanyakan umat Islam kini tidak lagi menitikberatkan nilai-nilai dan adab-adab sopan yang dianjurkan oleh Islam melalui al-Qurandan sunnah rasul-NYA. Mereka bukan setakat mengabaikannya dan menganggap perkara itu tidak penting, bahkan mereka menganggapkannya sebagai satu perkara yang menyusahkan aktiviti mereka yang menurutkan nafsu dan perasaan semata-mata itu. Nauzubillah
Marilah kita sama-sama menjauhi perkara yangseumpama itu dan mejauhi hal-hal yang telah dilarang (haram). Tegakkanlah yang benar dan katakanlah salah kepada yang batil.Janganlah berhujah untuk membenarkan perkara yang telah terang haramnya di sisi ALLAH.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


My Family

~My Idol~

           Yusuf al-Qaradawi (Arabic: يوسف القرضاوي Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwiy‎; born 9 September 1926) is a controversial[1] Egyptian Islamic theologian. He is best known for his programme, ash-Shariah wal-Hayat ("Shariah and Life"), broadcast on Al Jazeera, which has an estimated audience of 60 million worldwide.[2][3] He is also well known for IslamOnline, a popular website he helped found in 1997 and for which he now serves as chief religious scholar.[4]
Al-Qaradawi has published more than 120 books,[3] including The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam and Islam: The Future Civilization. He has also received eight international prizes for his contributions to Islamic scholarship,[5] and is considered one of the most influential such scholars living today.[2][6][7] Al-Qaradawi has long had a prominent role within the intellectual leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood,[8] an Egyptian political organization, but twice (in 1976 and 2004) turned down offers for the official role in the organization.[2][9]
Some of al-Qaradawi's views have been controversial in the West: he was refused an entry visa to the United Kingdom in 2008,[10] and barred from entering France in 2012.[11]
As of 2004, al-Qaradawi was a trustee of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies.[12] He also served as a technical consultant for an epic

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

~prophet muhammad~

Muhammad (whose name means "highly praised") was born in Mecca in 570 AD. His father died shortly before his birth, and he lost his mother at the age of six. The young orphan was then raised primarily by his uncle, for whom he worked as a shepherd. At age 9 (some sources say 12), he joined his uncle on a caravan to Syria.  
As a young man, Muhammad worked as a camel driver between Syria and Arabia. Soon he established a career managing caravans on behalf of merchants. Through his travel first with his uncle and later in his career, Muhammad came into contact with people of many nationalities and faiths, including Jews, Christians and pagans.

At age 25, Muhammad was employed by Khadija, a wealthy Meccan widow 15 years his senior. The two were married, and by all accounts enjoyed a loving and happy marriage. Early records report that "God comforted him through her, for she made his burden light." Although polygamy was common practice at the time, Muhammad took no other wife than Khadija until her death 24 years later.

Divine Revelation

In his late 30s Muhammad took to regularly visiting a cave in Mount Hira, on the outskirts of Mecca, to seek solitude and contemplation. In 610, at the age of 40, Muhammad returned from one such visit telling his wife he had either gone mad or become a prophet, for he had been visited by an angel. The initially startled Khadija became his first convert.
Muhammad reported that while in a trance-like state, the Angel Gabriel appeared to him and said "Proclaim!" But like Moses, Muhammed was a reluctant prophet. He replied, "I am not a proclaimer." The angel persisted, and the Prophet repeatedly resisted, until the angel finally overwhelmed Muhammad and commanded him:
Proclaim in the name of your Lord who created!
Created man from a clot of blood.
Proclaim: Your Lord is the Most Generous,
Who teaches by the pen;
Teaches man what he knew not. (Qur'an 96:1-3)
After receiving Khadija's support, and additional angelic visits, Muhammad became confident he had indeed been chosen as the messenger of God and began to proclaim as he had been commanded.
Muhammad's message to his countrymen was to convert from pagan polytheism, immorality and materialism, repent from evil and worship Allah, the only true God. He was always careful to clarify his role in God's work - he was only a prophet. He was not an angel, he did not know the mind of God, he did not work miracles. He simply preached what he had received.

In the first three years of his ministry, Muhammad gained only 40 followers. And as his teachings threatened the Meccan way of life, both moral and economic, he and his followers experienced heavy persecution. It first took the form of mockery, but soon turned into open violence. Members of the small movement were stoned, covered in dirt as they prayed, beat with sticks, thrown into prison and refused service by merchants.


Persecution continued to increase until Muhammad received some welcome news: he had gained followers in the city of Yathrib, 280 miles north of Mecca. The city was in need of a strong leader, and a delegation from Yathrib proposed that Muhammad take the job. In return, they pledged to worship Allah only, obey Muhammad and defend him and his followers to the death. Allah revealed to Muhammed his approval of this arrangement, and Muhammad made plans to escape to Yathrib.
The leaders in Mecca heard of the planned escape, and attempted to prevent it. But Muhammad and his close friend Abu Bakr managed to make a narrow escape north out of the city, evading a Meccan search party and arriving safely in Yathrib. This event is celebrated by Muslims as the Hijira. The year in which it occurred, 622, is the date at which the Muslim calendar begins. Yathrib was renamed Medinat al-Nabi, "the City of the Prophet," and is now known simply as
Medina, "the City."
In Medina, Muhammad proved himself an able politician and statesman as well as a prophet.

Exercising superb statecraft, he welded the five heterogenous and conflicting tribes of the city, three of which were Jewish, into an orderly confederation.... His reputation spread and people began to flock from every part of Arabia to see the man who had wrought this 'miracle.' (Smith, 230).

Battle for Mecca

After establishing himself in Medina and accomplishing the job he had been invited to do, the people of Medina began several years of battle with Muhammad's former home city. In 624, the Muslims won their first battle against the Meccans.

As the latter had a much larger army, the former took the victory as a sign that God was on their side. However, a subsequent battle was not victorious, and Muhammad himself was wounded. But in 627, the Meccans attacked Medina, and Medina came out on top. The Prophet was not to lose again.
In 630, Muhammad and his forces marched to Mecca and defeated it. The Prophet rededicated the Ka'ba temple to Allah, witnessed the conversion to Islam of nearly the entire Meccan population, then returned to Medina. Muhammad died in 632, having conquered nearly all of Arabia for Islam

~prophet muhammad~


My best friend is muhammad faris salehuddin, age he 20 years old, he study at (KUIS) SELANGOR INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC COLLEGE. He orgin pahang darul makmur, before he study at SELANGOR INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC COLLEGE, he study at darul quran, maahad tahfiz pahang, kuliah Al lughah wad din as sultan abu bakar,pekan and SMA Al-Ihsan kuantan (SMAI).And he study at (KUIS) in progame tahfiz qaran wal- qiraat, he is kindly man, and always take on fellow heavy.


The holy month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and a great opportunity for all believers to re-establish their relationship with Almighty Allah. During this month, Allah opens the doors of guidance, mercy and forgiveness and showers His blessings on mankind. Muslims the world over are expected to seize this great opportunity and work hard to obtain the pleasure of Allah by fasting from dawn to dusk, abstaining from partaking in all worldly things and engaging in more acts of worship that would earn them abundant rewards. In this piece, AMINA ALHASSAN AHMAN and our Correspondents SALISU IBRAHIM, Kano, MAHMOUD MUHAMMAD, Sokoto, JAMIL GULMA, Kebbi, USMAN AHMED, Kaduna, ABU NMODU, Niger and NAJIB SANI, Bauchi capture the mood of the Muslim Ummah and their expectations of the month which is equal to one thousand months.
With the sighting of the moon on Thursday evening in Saudi Arabia, Muslims in most parts of the world geared up to usher in the month of Ramadan; the month of forgiveness in which the devil is chained and the doors of hell are closed. People are expected to fast for either 29 or 30 days in the holy month of Ramadan - the ninth month in Islamic calendar.
By Islamic teachings, the month is just to develop and strengthen believers’ spiritual powers and of self-control, so that they can resist wrongful desires and bad habits, and therefore “guard against evil” as enshrined in the teachings of Islam.
“In fasting, by refraining from the natural human urges to satisfy one’s appetite, we are exercising our ability of self-restraint”, Sheikh Aminuddeen Abubakar, an Islamic scholar and preacher said.
According to him, whenever Muslims purify themselves with the deep spiritual teachings during Ramadan, their life would become so enriched and bring about self-improvement. “God’s purpose in prescribing fasting for Muslims is that they should reduce one kind of food, mainly physical and increase the most important aspect in their lives, which is spiritual”. 
Aminuddeen opines that for Muslims to attain nearness and closeness to Allah so that He becomes a reality in their lives, every Muslim must devote his life to the teachings of Islam and respect the values of the religion.
“As we bear the rigours of fasting the month of Ramadan in order to purify ourselves for the sake of Allah, all our actions however secret, must be geared towards attaining the consciousness of Allah in our hearts, so as to attain higher spiritual experience,” he said.
Other lessons to be drawn from the Ramadan Fasting, according to the scholar are charity and generosity. “We should learn to give, and not to take. We should learn to inculcate the spirit of deprivation in us and become sympathetic to the suffering of others, as well as becoming desirous of alleviating it”, the scholar said.
He admonished Muslims to fast for the sake of attaining God’s satisfaction and not merely as a custom; saying that Muslims should be absorbed in the praise and glorification of God, and in meditating upon His Unity since “the real purpose of fasting is to attain righteousness. A person who undergoes hunger and thirst, but does not behave righteously, has done nothing.”
For Malam Dauda Muhammad, Fasting in Islam is not limited to refraining from eating and drinking, but from every kind of personal desire and wrong-doing. “To fast is not merely to abstain from eating or drinking but to discipline the body”, he said
The scholar believes that the spirit of a Muslim requires refreshing that’s why the physical fast is just a symbol and outward expression of the real, inner fast.
Fasting, he said, is a spiritual exercise which is a preliminary stage towards attaining first experience of spiritual enlightenment and communion with God.
Malam Dauda stressed the need for mutual support among Muslims by providing food, drinks and other support to others.
This aspect of support is more acceptable in the sight of Allah than reading the Quran, observing lengthy prayers in the night or any other recommended good deeds.
The object of fasting is that a person should abstain from the food which nourishes the body and obtain the other food which enriches and brings solace to the soul.
In a sermon to herald the coming of the month of Ramadan, Dr. Basheer Aliyu, Chief Imam of Al-Furqan Mosque said, Muslims should not only abstain from food and go on to engage in wrong doings.
The month of Ramadan is a time for increased prayers, charity, sober reflections, and good deeds. “Pettiness, haughtiness and attachment to worldly objects, impatience and frivolity must be discarded during the month of Ramadan. The period should be devoted to helping one another rather than using it for money making through hiking prices of commodities”.
Alhaji Isa Ja, in a message to Muslims said, “Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, has said that during the lunar month of Ramadan the devil is chained, so any of such actions are wanton and cannot be passed off with a ‘Devil made me do it.’
Whoever commits any sin will eventually turn out to be the devil himself.”
As Muslims observe the fasting, they are expected to feel the hunger and thirst. There is to be a realisation that without the bounties of Allah, mankind is helpless. He said, during Ramadan, Muslims are expected to pray extra hours at night, and in addition to the five obligatory prayers between midnight and pre-dawn in the latter days of Ramadan.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, “Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)” (Hadith 127, Sahih Al-Bukari).
According to Sheikh Aminuddeen Abubakar, the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to every Muslim is that “fasting makes us to be disciplined.
So, whenever a human being lacks discipline, the society reflects that lack of discipline in the manifestation of excesses: excessive eating, excessive drinking, excessive lust for material things, greed for power, the overpowering of our intelligence by anger and envy.
All of these excesses break the spirit of brotherhood and destroy human society. The absence of discipline among Muslims will result not only in the death of the individual but also in the death of the family and eventually the death of the society”.
Adherence to rules of sighting of the moon
In Sokoto, when LEADERSHIP WEEKEND went round to ascertain the level of preparations so far, some Mosques, Islamiyya schools and lecture halls had been renovated ahead of the holy month.
Some Scholars, Academia, as well as Cleric’s who spoke to our Correspondent decried the controversy moon sighting had caused in the past, saying that leaders must always show good examples for others to follow.
They called on the leadership of the Nigerian Muslim Ummah to ensure there was mass education of Muslims on the need to adhere strictly to the rules regarding moon sighting for the beginning of Ramadan.
Dr Khalid Aliyu, Secretary General of the Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) stressed the need for unity, peace and capacity building for Muslims. He said the JNI was working hard to ensure the guidelines for the conduct of Islamic preaching and sermons were adhered to by scholars especially during the Ramadan period.
“It is our prayer at JNI that the Tafseer (sermons) of this year will reflect scholarship to earn Allah’s blessing. We implore that the tafseer should be devoid of controversies and attacks, show off, economic gains and eye service among others,’’ he said.
The market place in Sokoto state was a beehive of activities. Although perishable goods such as fruits, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, etc were surprisingly scarce, while prices of other food items had gone up. Surprising because, by this time of the month such commodities, even though expensive, used to be available at this time of year.
The reason for its scarcity is not unrelated to the current threat to security in the country, thereby making the price of such items soar. LEADERSHIP WEEKEND findings revealed that most of the transporters in the state seemed to be skeptical of travelling far distance because of reports of insecurity in the country.
One of the traders, Malam Garba Sokoto, who spoke to LEADERSHIP WEEKEND, said that the situation is beyond the control of the common man considering the nature of the country and the people who are equally living in abject poverty.
According to him, measures must be taken by those in power with the view to addressing these issues as it has already affected the country’s economy, adding that if care is not taken, the country will be at the verge of collapse.
In his words, “Today in Nigeria we are sleeping with our eyes open due to the situation in the country,” However, he urged the relevant bodies charged with the responsibility to urgently address the whole situation to enable the country regain its past glory.
Meanwhile, Sokoto state government had approved over N160m to provide food for this year’s Ramadan feeding programme.
This provision has been made since the administration of Governor Wamakko came on board.
Asking about the authenticity of the programme through the commissioner of Information, Alhaji Nasiru Danladi Bako, he revealed that the idea was informed by the governor some years back, adding that feeding centres were strategically initiated in the nooks and crannies of the state, including 23 local government councils in order to provide succour during the fasting period.
“This was designed by our able governor, so as to reach the common man and providing his needs during the period”.
According to the commissioner, “Since its inception, credible people have been deployed to make the programme a success, and they have discharged this responsibility during the period of fasting”.
Fasting as one of the five pillars of Islam
As usual Muslims in Kebbi state prepared by buying things for alms- giving especially food items which they would give out to the needy. In Hausa land every evening during the breaking of fast, wealthy individuals would bring out food from their houses to Mosques and areas where the poor would gather.
As the month of Ramadan is the month that Muslims get closer to the Almighty  God, this is the time that most of the wealthy individuals give out Zakkat out of  the wealth accumulated by them, which is also another way of getting closer to the Creator.
Muslims are always excited with the arrival of Ramadan because of the important things associated with it. Based on the teachings of Islam, the month is the most important month in the Islamic calendar, it was stated that the Holy Qur’an was revealed during the month of Ramadan also the night of majesty is in the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Mallam Bello Mechanic while speaking with LEADERSHIP WEEKEND said, “As a family man, I am very happy to see this year’s Ramadan because when this journey started, so many have died, while others are in the hospital.
But God has spared our lives and our health this year. As you can see even the children are happy to see the month of Ramadan for, as you know, everything changes, right from our interactions to the food we eat.
Muslims who can afford it buy a variety of food items to break their fast with as the nature of eating changes throughout the month of Ramadan. We eat less, but with the blessings of God Almighty who rewards abundantly in this month, therefore we have to engage in doing good deeds to our families and neighbours.”    
According to  Malam Nasiru Abubakar Mera, a cleric, he made mention that it is obligatory for every wealthy muslim to always give out Zakkat for him to be closer to God and what he gives out should be given to the needy, especially his neighbours and relatives. 
He quoted the Hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W) which was narrated by Zaid ibn Khalid from the book of Al’Ilman bi ahkhamis siyam in which he narrated that he heard from Prophet  Muhammad (S.A.W) as saying, “Whoever feeds a fasting person will be rewarded equally with that person he fed without the reward of that person being affected.”
Malam Nasiru added that there ten things that a fasting person should consider most during the period of Ramadan: attend prayers in congregation (especially for men); one should maintain good habits and stay away from people of bad character; one should avoid dirty talks; avoid taking intoxicant substances; avoid over feeding and looking at things that can arouse sexual desires; avoid going to bed late so that he will be able to take Sahur (pre-dawn meal) and perform Subh prayer at the right time; engage in constant reading of the Holy Quran; recite Allah’s name constantly and listen to the words of God; read books related to the Ramadan fasting and constantly give out alms during the month.
He also pointed out that fasting has many benefits that every Muslim should expect to derive from, among them are the feeling of being equal with everyone irrespective of the status one holds in the society.
It purifies ones heart to do good things; it purifies the heart in performing all acts of worship clearly; it teaches forgiveness and tolerance among human beings; it teaches one to be less extravagant and spend on unnecessary things.
On the importance of the Tarawih  prayer, he quoted from a Hadith narrated by Buhari and Muslim which says, “Whoever worships during the month of Ramadan, God has forgiven him all his past sins, because it contains a lot of benefits and rewards in it.”
He urged all Muslims to concentrate on attending Tarawih prayer in the sense that it is the only month in the year that carries the uncountable benefits, and we should know that no one knows when he is going to leave this world.
Acts and utterances should be geared towards peace
In Minna, Niger State, people believe that the Ramadan period is a period that every Muslim should be wary of his or her utterances and deeds in order to get the full reward.
Danlami Mohammed told LEEADERSHIP WEEKEND that Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam and as such every Muslim must take it seriously to gain the complete reward and be at peace with himself and others.
According to him, the period should be observed with a mind to rededicate oneself to the service of God and humanity as well as avoid things that would deny them of the reward.
Aliyu Umar said that Ramadan also serves as a period where the rich feel what the poor are feeling daily, “This is the time when even if you are a billionaire, you are enjoined to abstain from eating and drinking so that you can feel what people who naturally do not have enough food are going through almpst on a daily basis.”
He said that the period therefore teaches the lesson that every Man is equal before God and we should conduct our affairs with restraint, peace and love.
Also the Niger state committee of Imams has appealed to all Islamic preachers against inflammatory preaching during the Ramadan period.
The secretary of the committee, Sheik Umar Faruk Abdullahi said the warning is necessary if the tenet of Islam and teaching of Prophet Mohammed must be maintained during preaching sessions.
He charged the Islamic preachers whether residing or on posting to the state for the Ramadan fast preaching to exercise restraint while preaching to their followers on  issues capable of breaching the peaceful co-existence among the people.
He said the body has resolved to preach to their followers on the need for unity and love by observing all the tenets of the religion.
The committee also called on the state government to relax the restriction on the movement of Motorcycles from 7 pm to 9 pm so as to enable the faithful to attend preaching sessions.
However in a swift reaction, the state government went ahead and lifted the ban on the movement of motor cycles to enable worshippers attend evening preaching.
A call on Muslims to unite
Imam Mohammed Sani, Chief Imam of Waff Road Mosque Forum, told LEADERSHIP WEEKEND that Ramadan is a sacred month which every able Muslim should seriously pray to Allah SWT for everything good they want, a month where each good deed is rewarded in multiple by Allah.
He called on the Muslim Ummah to make good use of the period and do righteous deeds that would bring them closer to Allah. "It is month of blessings in which the Glorious Qur'an was revealed to mankind through Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)."
He also called on Muslims to seek for Allah's forgiveness, repent and stay off anything that could cause them the punishment of Allah (S.W.T) both in this world and in the hereafter.
While calling on business people to fear Allah and stop inflating consumable goods during the period, he prayed for Muslims to unite for the sake of Allah, and forgive each other and as well treat their neighbours as they would wish to be treated.
Similarly, Mallam Tukur Adam, Chief Imam of Almanar, in an interview with LEADERSHIP WEEKEND reminded the Muslims to remember that the month of Ramadan is equivalent to 1000 months, and therefore in a strong voice called on Muslims to practice the religion according to the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith.
He urged Muslims to feed the less privileged and the needy to have Allah's reward and also desist in doing anything against what Allah has decreed to all Muslims.
Malam Tukur Adam also urged Muslims to dwell on continuous learning of the religion which is a must. '' Any Muslim who does not use the opportunity of Ramadan to gain Allah's mercy is lost.” He also called on those who are wealthy to be their brother’s keepers.
Dr Abdulrahman Tahir, a senior medical Doctor at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital [ATBUTH] Bauchi asserted that researches have shown that fasting reduces the risks of cancer, diabetes mellitus, blood pressure, stress and increases the life span of the person who fasts among other health benefits.
He added that fasting is also used for medical purposes like during surgery operation.
“Patients undergoing surgery are asked to fast for about 8 to 12 hours so as to have a successful operation.” The Physician said.
He however explained that those whose ulcer becomes worse cannot fast, just as he noted that fasting does not cause the disease.
Dr Abdulrahman Tahir, just like the Islamic clerics proffered some medical advice to people on how to cope with the fasting period.
“People should be eating balanced diets, lots of vegetables and fruits because they are very important to health” he advised.
But the Doctor has warned people against taking excess food during suhur or when breaking their fast and also warned about eating other food items that may cause them to have diarrhoea adding that doing very hard jobs is not also recommended for somebody who fasts.
In an exclusive chat with LEADERSHIP WEEKEND, Malam Yahaya Maitauhidi who is a popular Islamic Preacher in Bauchi said for Muslims to get the best out the Ramadan, they must exhibit high level of good conducts and behaviours and shun all immoral characters such as telling lies, gossips, fights, betrayals, abusive utterances, fornication, drug abuse etc.
He noted that if somebody who fasts does not desist from such unruly behaviours, his hunger and thirst are worthless for he may not get the expected reward from the almighty Allah.
According to him, Muslims should imbibe all positive characters and devote themselves to worshipping of the almighty Allah in Ramadan more than they ever had before.
The renowned Bauchi preacher also called for consistent prayers from Muslims for the numerous problems bedevilling the country such as insecurity and crises during the holy month as according to him, prayers are the only solutions to the endemic challenges faced in the nation and Ramadan is the best period for prayers.